Troop 4673
Boy Scouts of America
Burke Lake District
American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, Virginia
National Capital Area Council

Constitution and By-Laws
of the
Committee, Troop, and Venture Crew

January 1st, 2014 (Draft / Under Review and Revision)



The organization referred to in this Constitution is Boy Scouts of America (BSA), Troop 4673, and Venturing Crew 4673, Old Dominion District, National Capital Area Council.  Henceforth referred to as simply Troop 4673 and Crew 4673.


Provide the structured program established by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to all eligible youth, regardless of national origin, race, religious beliefs, or creed.



Troop 4673 and Crew 4673, formed in January 2014, are chartered by American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA 22150 (herein referred to as the Chartered Partner).  The Church provides a Chartered Partner Representative.  Troop 4673 and Crew 4673 are run in accordance with the policies established by National, Regional, Council, and District Committees, and in strict accordance with the charter agreement.  As such, Troop and crew activities are planned and executed by the youth leadership under the guidance and supervision of adults.  This Constitution provides additional polices / guidance specific to Troop 4673 and Crew 4673.


Specific by-laws governing the Troop Committee are covered under Article III and by-laws governing the Patrol Leader's Council (PLC) and Venturing Crew are covered under Articles IV and V, respectively.


The PLC, Venturing Crew, and / or Committee Member, or Scoutmaster may recommend a change(s) to any provision in this constitution.  Changes will be voted on during specially held meetings of the Committee (may be an adjunct to a regularly scheduled Committee meeting).  A vote to alter the constitution, however, can only be taken after all Committee members have been given at least two weeks prior notice of the pending action.  Notice may be given in writing, by electronic communication (e-mail), or by telephone.  The Committee may not be held responsible for failing to notify a Committee member of a special meeting if the member does not give the Committee proper notice of changes to their address, e-mail account, or phone number.  Changes to this Constitution can be adopted by a simple majority vote of registered Committee members in attendance at any regularly or specially scheduled Committee meeting.  Changes to the Constitution become effective after endorsement by the Chartered Partner and formal publication of the amendment(s).


  1. The constitution and by-laws become effective after vote by the Committee and after having been signed by the Committee Chairperson and Chartered Partner Representative.  It supersedes all previous Troop 4673 and Crew 4673 constitutions / by-laws / amendments.  Each Troop family will be provided a current copy of the constitution and by-laws and a parent or legal guardian of the Scout must return a sign a statement of understanding to the Troop Secretary within two weeks of receipt (see page 16).
  2. This constitution and by-laws will be reviewed annually during the month of September.


The primary meeting place area for Troop 4673 and Crew 4673 is the cafeteria of South County Middle School in Lorton (8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079).  The Patrol Leader's council meets in the Occoquan Room of American Legion Post 176 Springfield (6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, VA 22150), on the first Thursday of every month).


In the event that Troop 4673 and Crew 4673's assets are insufficient to discharge liabilities, the membership of the Troop and Crew may be held liable under State and local laws governing organization debts.


The Troop and Crew organization will be in accordance with standing BSA publications, policies, and the terms-of-reference set by the Chartered Partner.

  1. The Chartered Partner, Troop, and Crew will work cooperatively to establish and nurture the Troop as an expression of the outreach ministry of the American Legion Post 176 Springfield so that young men, young women, and adults may grow in Christian character, personal responsibility and citizenship, and physical fitness.
    1. Youth membership in Troop 4673 and Crew 4673 is open to all youth who meet the membership requirements of the Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Sea Scouts, and Venturing programs.  Membership in any program of the Boy Scouts of America requires the youth member to:
      1. Subscribe to and abide by the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law,
      2. Subscribe to and abide by the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle (duty to God), and
      3. Demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law.  No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.
    2. Adult applicants must possess the moral, educational, and emotional qualities that the Boy Scouts of America deems necessary to afford positive leadership to youth.  The Adult applicant must also be the correct age, subscribe to the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle, and abide by the Scout Oath or Promise, and the Scout Law.  The Chartered Partner will approve all adult leadership positions—Committee, Troop, Crew—and may deny any applicant a leadership position within the troop and / or dismiss any adult leader with or without cause.  Decisions by the Chartered Partner in these matters are final and may not be appealed, nor may the Chartered Partner held liable for any and all claims related to the same.
  2. No leader or Scout may use Troop 4673, Crew 4673, or its Chartered Partner to promote a particular social or political agenda advocating for a moral view that is inconsistent with that of the Chartered Partner or which becomes a distraction to the Chartered Partner or Troop.  Doing so is grounds for immediate dismissal.



  1. The authority for the Committee to operate is granted, in part, by these by-laws, the governing rules of the Chartered Partner, and the Committee's charter from the Boy Scouts of America, National Council.  These by-laws outline the responsibilities of the Committee and its officers and bound the limits of their authority.  There are seven key positions on the Committee.
    1. Chairman
      1. The Chairman is ultimately responsible for Troop 4673 and all of its functions.
      2. The Chairman answers to the Chartered Partner.
      3. The Chairman ensures the meeting facility (South County Middle School, 8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, Virginia, 22079 and American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave,Springfield, VA 22150) are reserved for Troop 4673 use and is maintained in a high state of repair by the Scouts.
      4. The Chairman supports the Venture Crew as required.
    2. Vice Chairperson
      1. The Vice Chairman provides assistance to the Chairman and acts as the Chairman in his or her absence.
      2. The Vice Chairman ensures proper execution of the background checks required by BSA for all adult leaders.
      3. The Vice Chairman supports the Venture Crew as required.
    3. Secretary
      1. The Secretary produces, prints, and disseminates minutes from each Committee Meeting, and develops agendas for subsequent Committee Meetings.
      2. The Secretary maintains youth and adult health and medical records.
      3. The Secretary works directly with the youth Scribe and Historian.
      4. The Secretary supports the Venture Crew as required.
    4. Treasurer
      1. The Treasurer collects money and keeps track of all Troop finances.
      2. The Treasurer reports status of finances to the Committee on a monthly basis.
      3. The Treasurer disburses funds and executes expenditures approved by the Committee.
      4. The Treasurer works directly with the youth Scribe.
      5. The Treasurer supports the Venture Crew as required.
    5. Advancement Chairperson
      1. The Advancement Chairperson is responsible for all advancement records and works to ensure adults and scouts receive awards, badges, and ranks in a timely manner.
      2. The Advancement Chairperson maintains certification of records for all adult leader training.
      3. The Advancement Chairperson maintains the "TROOPMASTER" computer database.
      4. Coordinates and schedules all Boards of Review and out-of-cycle Boards of Review (except Eagle Boards).
      5. The Advancement Chairperson provides all departing Scouts a record of advancement / awards completed with Troop 4673.
      6. The Advancement Chairperson works directly with the youth Scribe.
      7. The Advancement Chairperson supports the Venture Crew as required.
    6. Outdoor Activity Chairperson
      1. The Outdoor Activity Chairperson assists in the planning of outdoor activities.
      2. The Outdoor Activity Chairperson books venues and make arrangements supporting the outdoor activity program laid out by the Patrol Leader's Council, to include filing Tour and Activity Plans with the National Capital Area Council and the compilation of parental permission slips.
      3. The Outdoor Activity Chairperson serves as transportation coordinator, and maintains a file authorized drivers.
      4. The Outdoor Activity Chairperson supports the Venture Crew as required.
    7. Chartered Organization Representative.  The Chartered Organization Representative the liaison between Troop 4673 and the Chartered Partner.
  2. The Committee Chairmen, Scoutmaster, and Treasurer will not be "dual-hat'd" nor from the same Scout family.
  3. There are also a number of other positions on the Troop Committee which are filled as volunteers become available.  In the absence of volunteers, the duties listed below may be assigned to any member of the Committee by the Committee Chairman.
    1. Adult Quartermaster.  The Adult Quartermaster works directly with the youth Quartermaster to maintain Troop equipment in a high state of repair.
    2. Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator.  The Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator develops and maintains a merit badge counselor list.
    3. Eagle Advisor
      1. The Eagle Advisor assists Life Scouts with selection, approval, planning, accomplishment, and write-up of Eagle Projects.
      2. The Eagle Advisor advises Scouts completing Eagle Scout applications and helps to shepherd Eagle Scout applications through the approval process.
      3. The Eagle Advisor coordinates and schedules Eagle Boards of Review with appropriate representatives.
    4. Hospitality Chairperson.  The Hospitality Chairperson contacts parents of new Scouts and introduces them to the Troop and Committee, and acquaints them with this Constitution and By-Laws.
    5. Scout News Chairperson.  The Scout News Chairperson publishes a monthly newsletter and sends information to local newspapers after each Court of Honor.
    6. Uniform / Equipment Exchange Coordinator.  The Uniform/Equipment Exchange Coordinator maintains uniforms and equipment for sale or exchange.
    7. Scouting for Food Coordinator.  The Scouting for Food Coordinator oversees the delivery and pickup of food bags for this event.
    8. Fundraising Coordinator.  The Fundraising Coordinator coordinates the time, location, work schedule, and all other details associated with Troop fundraising events.
    9. Friends of Scouting Coordinator.  The Friends of Scouting Coordinator announces and runs this campaign, and collects all moneys associated with this event.


The uniform prescribed by the Boy Scouts of America is the accepted uniform of Troop 4673.  Commonly referred to as the Class A uniform, it includes the Troop 4673 or BSA hat, official BSA khaki shirt, Troop 4673 or blue BSA scarf, olive green pants or shorts, belt, and socks.  The activity, or Class B, uniform substitutes a blue Troop 4673 t-shirt for the khaki shirt (on occasion, other Scout related t-shirts may be worn).  All adult leaders and Committee Members are highly encouraged to set the proper example for the Scouts and wear the Class A or Class B uniform at all Scout activities.

  1. In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, Article X, Section 4; Clause 4 (b), the wear of any United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps uniform item, particularly battle dress (camouflaged) uniforms, is prohibited.
  2. Crew 4673 will determine its own uniform requirements, if any.  In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, Article X, Section 4; Clause 4 (b), the wear of any United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps uniform item, particularly battle dress (camouflaged) uniforms by any member of the Venture Crew, is prohibited.


Parental support is an essential ingredient in the successful operation of the Troop.  The Troop needs every parent's support!  Parents will be encouraged to:

  1. Volunteer to be a Committee Member or Adult Leader.
  2. Volunteer to be an adult leader for Scout activities held away from American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, Virginia.
  3. Volunteer to provide Scouts with transportation to and from activities held away from American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, Virginia.
  4. Volunteer to be a merit badge counselor.
  5. Help with and support fund raising activities.
  6. Help schedule the Scout's time so he can participate in as many Troop activities as possible.
  7. Encourage and support the Scout's advancement.
  8. Help the Scout obtain a full uniform.  Note: Troop Eagle Scout candidates must have a complete uniform (See Article IV, Section A).
  9. Attend family-oriented Troop functions (e.g., Courts of Honor, etc.).


Scout registration fees, dues, and Troop fund raising activities are the main sources of Troop income.  This income is used to pay annual registration fees, support Troop equipment maintenance and upgrade, and finance Troop activities.  Troop accounts will be audited by the Chartered Partner Representative (or his / her designee) annually, each September.

  1. The Troop Committee will approve all disbursements over $50.00.  Expenditures under $50.00 may be made by mutual consent of three adult leaders / Committee members.  Bills for these expenses will be submitted directly to the Committee Treasurer.
  2. All outgoing financial transactions will be made by check and signed by the Treasurer or Committee Chairperson.
  3. The Troop will maintain approximately $100.00 in a Troop account at the Council office for purchases from the Scout Store.  The Scoutmaster, Advancement Chairperson, and Committee Chairperson are the only individuals authorized to use the funds from this account.
  4. Each Scout will pay a partial fee, as determined by the Troop Committee, when he joins the Troop.  This is nonrefundable.  Annually, each youth member will pay re-charter fees which include payment to the Boy Scout of America blanket insurance policy and a subscription (at least one per family) to Boy's Life magazine.
  5. Registered adults transferring into the Troop will pay a transfer fee of $1.00.
  6. All adults will pay their own recharter fee.  The Troop Committee may however, funds permitting, vote to pay a portion or all of the fees associated with any or all adult registrations.
  7. Dues—exclusive of recharter fees and Boy's Life magazine subscriptions—must be paid by the Scout during the first Troop meeting of each month.  The dues amount is established by the Troop Committee (approximately $2.50 per month or $30.00 for the full year) and will be considered delinquent after the third Troop meeting.  Scouts with delinquent dues may be denied advancement materials and / or the right to participate in some Troop activities.
  8. All adults will pay the fees charged for their attendance at Troop events and encampments, including food.  Fees are due at least one week prior to the event and are non-refundable, but the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman may modify this requirement to meet Council or District suspenses (i.e., summer camp).  Funds permitting, Troop Committee may vote to pay a portion or all of the registration fees associated with any or all adult leader attendance at Council Sponsored long-term encampments.
  9. The Scoutmaster leading an encampment will determine the participant cost.  The cost will include site / participant fees and food costs, to include a fee assessed each Scout participating in a troop encampment to cover common patrol expenses such as charcoal, paper towels, foil, soap, cooking oil, and scrub pads (presently $2.00 dollars).  The Grubmaster for each patrol will shop within the given budget.  Requests from the patrol Grubmaster for reimbursement will be made to the Troop Treasurer through the Scoutmaster leading the encampment.
  10. Consumable supplies used in preparing meals, such as special spices and seasonings, are provided by the patrol with the cost shared equally among patrol members.
  11. Scouts and Scouters are responsible for their gear and Troop gear in their use.  The Troop will not be liable for lost, stolen, or damaged personal gear.  Troop equipment damaged by Scout(s) through negligence or abuse, will be repaired or replaced by the Scout(s) responsible for the damage.  The decision to repair or replace the damaged equipment will be made by the Troop Committee.  In any case, the cost will not exceed the original cost of the item.
  12. Depending on the state of Troop finances, the Troop may contribute up to $25.00 towards the purchase of a cake for an Eagle Court of Honor.  All other expenses associated with the event will be borne by the Scout and his family.
  13. TThe Troop participates in one major fund raising activity: mulch sales.  This counts as a Troop activity for ranks up to 1st Class.  Other fund raising activities will be conducted as necessary.


Venture Crew 4673 manages its own financial accounts and records.  Registration fees, dues, and Crew fund raising activities are the main sources of Crew income.  This income is used to pay annual registration fees, support Troop and Crew equipment upgrade and maintenance costs, and finance Crew activities.  Crew accounts will be audited by the Chartered Partner Representative (or his / her designee) annually, each September.


Every Scout and adult leader must have a current Health and Medical Record on file with the Committee Secretary.  When traveling under a Tour and Activity Plan in which the distance travelled are greater than 500 miles, a general Medical Power of Attorney assigning Troop 4673, Crew 4673, and its leaders the authority to seek medical assistance for each Scout on a parent's behalf is required.


  1. During the school year, Troop meetings are held every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.  at South County Middle School, 8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, Virginia, 22079.  The PLC or Scoutmaster may change the time and place of the Troop meeting as necessary.  With the exception of overnight activities, all Troop / patrol activities will be terminated no later than 8:45 p.m.  Adults picking Scouts up from Troop / patrol activities are expected to arrive by 8:30 p.m.  Scouts will not be permitted to leave the building unless a parent or adult guardian accompanies them out.
  2. During the school year, the Patrol Leaders Council will meet on the first Thursday of every Month at 7:30 p.m.  at American Legion Post 176 Springfield, 6520 Amherst Ave, Springfield, Virginia.  The PLC or Scoutmaster may change the time and place of the meeting if needed.
  3. During the school year, the Venture Crew will meet at South County Middle School, 8700 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, Virginia, on an as required basis.  This will normally occur twice a month (generally the second and fourth Wednesday of every month and will coincide with Troop meetings), or more frequently if needed, to review plans and address issues of concern.
  4. The Committee meets on the second or third Wednesday of every month from 7:30-8:30 p.m.  at a venue selected by the Committee Chairman or his / her designee.  The purpose of the Committee meeting is to:
    1. Discuss events for the coming month, discuss future events, determine if the Committee needs to assist the Patrol Leaders Council in the preparation for event(s) (i.e., vehicle drivers, merit badge counselors, etc.).
    2. Receive the Treasurer's Report.
    3. Receive the Scoutmaster's report outlining the current program and Troop needs.
    4. Approve the Annual Planning Calendar.
    5. Discuss other issues.
  5. Committee will be run in accordance with parliamentary procedures and use Robert's Rules of Order.  The following exceptions apply:
    1. A simple majority vote by registered Committee members present during a Committee meeting is sufficient to conduct all business.
    2. In the event of a tied vote, the Committee Chairperson will cast the deciding vote (the Committee Chair will not cast a vote under most circumstances).
    3. The Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster(s), Venture Crew Advisor, and Associate Advisor(s) advises the Committee on issues of concern, but have no vote.


  1. There are three adult positions within the Troop.  Candidates for each position must be approved by the Committee and the Chartered Partner:
    1. Scoutmaster (SM).  The SM assures that the Troop meetings and activities are run in accordance with the Aims and Methods of Scouting.
    2. Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM).  The ASM assistants help the Scoutmaster during Troop activities and one serves as a designee to stand in for the Scoutmaster during his absence.  There may be several ASMs with specific assignments.
    3. Patrol Advisor (PA).  The PA is an additional ASM designation.  The PA attends patrol meetings to provide adult guidance, if needed.
  2. There are two adult positions within the Crew (candidates for each position must be approved by the Committee and the Chartered Partner):
    1. Advisor: The Advisor assures that Crew meetings and activities are run in accordance with the Aims and Methods of Scouting.
    2. Associate Advisor: Associate Advisor(s) help the Advisor during Crew activities and one serves as a designee to stand in for the Advisor during his / her absence.  There may be several Associate Advisors with specific assignments.
  3. The welfare and safety of the Scouts within the Troop are our highest priority and this Constitution has been specifically designed to address that priority.  All Scout activities in which the Troop or Crew participates will be supervised for the duration of the activity by a minimum of two adults over the age of 21.  At least one of these adults will be a registered leader and have completed, as a minimum, the requirements outlined in Article III, Paragraph H.4., below.  Other training as required.  The second adult must be the parent or legal guardian of a youth attending the activity.  In the event the Scoutmaster or Advisor is unable to attend a particular activity, the he / she will designate a registered leader, having met the training requirements outlined above, to assume the position of Scoutmaster-in-Charge / Crew Leader-in-Charge during the activity.  The Scoutmaster, Crew Leader or Scoutmaster-in-Charge / Crew Leader-in-Charge will be present for the duration of the entire activity.  Exceptions may occur, but these will be made on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Committee.
  4. Adult Leader Training.  All registered adult leaders will complete Fast Start and Youth Protection Training and will remain current.  The Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmasters, Advisor, and Associate Advisors must have New Leader Essentials, Leader Specific Training (Scoutmaster or Venture), Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills, Weather Hazards, Youth Protection appropriate training, and Red Cross or equivalent First Aid and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).  Other training as required.  Wood Badge for the 21st Century and Powder Horn are not required but highly encouraged for all.  All adult leaders will provide the Committee Advancement Chairperson certification of their training.


Scouts must show written verification of an originally received award to the Advancement Chairperson before being given a replacement.  Replacements are purchased directly from the Advancement Chairperson.  In the event that the Scout cannot provide written verification of an award, the matter will be deferred to the Committee which will determine the appropriateness of providing the Scout a replacement.


Boards are normally conducted on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.  The Advancement Chairperson will select the venue and ensure that a minimum of three registered Committee Members or adult Scouters (Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters excepted) are present to conduct a board.  Out-of-cycle Boards of Review will be convened at the discretion of the Advancement Chairperson and Committee Chairman.



The uniform prescribed by the Boy Scouts of America is the accepted uniform of Troop 4673.  The Class A uniform includes the Troop 4673 or BSA hat, official BSA khaki shirt, Troop 4673 or red BSA scarf, and belt.  The Class B uniform substitutes a blue Troop 4673 T-shirt for the khaki shirt.  The Class A or Class B uniform is mandatory at all Scout activities.  On occasion, the Scoutmaster may approve an alternate Scout related T- shirt, but all T-shirts will be in the spirit of the Scouting image (Scoutmaster's discretion).  The uniform must be in good condition and the shirt tucked inside the pants/shorts.  In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, Article X, Section 4; Clause 4 (b), the wear of any United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps battle dress (camouflaged) uniform items are prohibited.  Failure to meet these standards may result in a Scout being prevented from participating in Scouting events.


See Article III, Paragraph F.1.


The PLC consists of the following personnel: Senior Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, all Patrol Leaders and / or their Assistants, Troop Guide(s), Scribe, and a minimum of two adult leaders (one being the Scoutmaster).  If both a Patrol Leader and his Assistant are present, only the Patrol Leader may vote.  The Scribe is a non-voting member.  The Patrol Leaders Council will also hold an Annual Planning Conference to outline the Scouting program and Annual Calendar for the coming year.  The date of this meeting will be determined by the Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader.  The PLC will also meet at least once a month, or more frequently if needed, to review plans and address issues of concern to the council.  See Article III, Paragraph F.2.


  1. A schedule of weekend campouts will completed at the Semi-Annual Planning Conference.  The Outdoors Activity Chairperson will accomplish the "Campout Activity Checklist" in preparation for each campout.  The Outdoor Activity Chairperson will keep the Committee Chairperson and Scoutmaster advised of the progress of preparation actions.
  2. Scouts will normally pay all fees charged for attendance at events, including food.  These fees are due at least one week prior to the event and are non-refundable, but the Scoutmaster or Committee Chairman may modify this requirement to meet Council or District suspenses.  If a Scout decides to not attend an outing after the food has been purchased, he is still responsible for paying his portion of the cost.  Similarly, he may also still be liable for any and all camping fees associated with the outing if payments to the activity have already been disbursed.
  3. Two weeks prior to a campout
    1. Each Scout must inform his patrol leader and / or Troop leader as to whether or not he will attend.  Exceptions are rare and will be made on an individual basis and decided by the Scoutmaster and Outdoor Activity Chairperson.
    2. Patrol leaders will present a menu and duty roster to the Senior Patrol Leader.  In turn, the Senior Patrol Leader will provide the Scoutmaster and Outdoor Activity Chairperson with a printed camp schedule, list of Scouts attending, and copies of each patrol's menu and duty roster.
    3. The camp schedule should contain the following information:
      1. Time and what patrol will be responsible for reveille.
      2. Time and what patrol will be responsible for flag raising ceremony.
      3. Time for non-denominational religious observances (in most instances, only on Sunday).
      4. Meal times.
      5. Schedule of activities for the day and evening.  Alternate or backup schedule in case of inclement weather.
      6. Time and what patrol will be responsible for flag lowering ceremony.
      7. Time and what patrol will be responsible for taps.  The Senior Patrol Leader will check with patrol leaders and verify that all Scouts are present.
  4. Additional items:
    1. Scout uniform will be worn to and from campouts, at flag ceremonies, and any other events specified by the Scoutmaster.
    2. Meals will be prepared and eaten by individual patrols unless the Patrol Leaders Council and / or Scoutmaster specify otherwise.
    3. Scouts will use Troop owned equipment to the maximum extent.
    4. For protection of Troop tents, shoes and cots will NOT be taken or used inside the tent.  Additionally, patrol boxes, coolers, food, and backpacks will be left outside under protective cover.
    5. During campouts, duty rosters and menus will be posted on the patrol boxes.


A Scout who misbehaves (fighting, use of profanity, etc.) will be counseled by his patrol leader.  If the behavior continues, the Senior Patrol Leader or other adult will counsel the Scout.  If it continues still, the Scoutmaster or other adult will counsel the Scout.  If the Scouts behavior does not change, the parents will be contacted by the Scoutmaster and asked to pick up their son and take him home.  The decision to send a Scout home rests with the Scoutmaster.  Additionally, the Scout will not be allowed to attend any other Troop events until the Scout and Scout's parents, Scoutmaster, Patrol Advisor, Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leader have arrived at a mutually agreeable solution.

  1. Stealing will not be tolerated.  A Scout found in the unauthorized possession of personal items belonging to another Scout will be sent home and not be allowed to attend any other Troop events until the Scout and Scout's parents, Scoutmaster, Patrol Advisor, Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leader have arrived at a mutually agreeable solution.
  2. Fighting will not be tolerated.  A Scout physically fighting with another Scout will be sent home and not be allowed to attend any other Troop events until the Scout and Scout's parents, Scoutmaster, Patrol Advisor, Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leader have arrived at a mutually agreeable solution.
  3. Firearms, explosives (including fireworks), illegal drugs, and / or alcohol.  These items will not be tolerated at any time.  In the case of possession of illegal drugs, the local authorities will be notified first and without prior consent of the parent(s) and/or guardians(s).


  1. No Scout will be allowed to hold or run for a position of leadership or responsibility without approval of the Scoutmaster.  Job descriptions for all leadership positions and positions of responsibility within the Troop are detailed in the Troop 4673 Guide for New Parents.  Each Scout elected or appointed to a position of responsibility will also be given a personal copy of the statement of his duties and responsibilities.  Training for newly elected and appointed positions will take place within two weeks after the elections.  This training will be conducted by the Scoutmaster with the Assistant Scoutmasters and other adult leaders in attendance.
  2. Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) and Patrol Leaders (PL) are elected during Troop elections (generally in May and November) and serve a six month term of office.  The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) is appointed by the SPL.  The Assistant Patrol Leaders (APL) are appointed by their respective PL.
  3. Requirements for Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader candidates:
    1. Rank of Star (or 1st Class awaiting Board of Review for Star).  In exceptional circumstances, the Scoutmaster may waive this requirement.
    2. Have been an active member in the Troop during the last six months.  Participation is based on attendance records supplied by Troop Scribe.  The rank of Senior patrol leader carries with it special obligations and the SPL and ASPL are expected to participate in 75% or more of Troop activities.
    3. Recommendation from the Scoutmaster.
  4. Requirements for Patrol Leader and Assistant Patrol Leader candidates:
    1. Rank of Second Class or higher (with the exception of the New Scout Patrol).
    2. Have actively participated in 75% or more of Troop activities during the last six months (and must maintain that level of participation during tenure).  Participation is based on attendance records supplied by Troop Scribe.
    3. Recommendation from Scoutmaster.
  5. The SPL and ASPL will identify and provide a list of their nominees for the appointed positions of responsibility (i.e., Instructor, Quartermaster, Librarian, Historian, Scribe, Chaplain Aide, etc.) to the Scoutmaster no later than one week after Troop elections.  Scouts working towards the ranks of Star, Life, or Eagle should be given first opportunity to hold a leadership position.  See Troop 4673 Handbook, APPENDIX A, Table 2, Troop Organization.



The uniform prescribed by the Boy Scouts of America is the accepted uniform of Venture Crew 4673.  Commonly referred to as the Class A uniform, it includes the Venture hat, official BSA sage green shirt, grey cargo pants, belt, and socks.  The activity, or Class B uniform, substitutes a Crew approved T-shirt for the Venture shirt.  The Class B uniform should be worn to most Crew activities.  On occasion, the Crew President may approve an alternate Scout related T-shirt, but all T-shirts will be in the spirit of the Scouting image (Crew Advisor's discretion).  The Class A uniform will be worn on special occasions such as Courts of Honor and fundraising activities (i.e., bagging).  The uniform must be in good condition and the shirt tucked inside the pants/shorts.  In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, Article X, Section 4; Clause 4 (b), imitation / wear of articles of Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps battle dress (camouflaged) uniform items are prohibited.  Failure to meet these standards may result in a Scout being prevented from participating in Scouting events.


The Crew will normally meet twice a month (usually the second and fourth Wednesday of every month), or more frequently if needed, to review plans and address issues of concern.


The Crew will hold an Annual Planning Conference to outline the Venture program for the coming year.  The date of this meeting will be determined by the Crew President—in consultation with the Crew Advisor—but will usually be held immediately following Crew elections, the new officer briefing, and the Venture Leadership Skills Course (VLSC).


  1. A schedule of weekend campouts and activities will completed at the Annual Planning Conference.  The Outdoors Activity Chairperson will accomplish the "Campout Activity Checklist" in preparation for each campout.  The Outdoor Activity Chairperson will keep the Crew, Crew Advisor, and Committee Chairperson advised of the progress of preparation actions.
  2. Venture Scouts will normally pay all fees charged for attendance at events, including food.  These fees are due at least one week prior to the event and are non-refundable, but the Crew Advisor or Committee Chairman may modify this requirement to meet Council or District suspenses.  If a Venturer decides to not attend an outing after the food has been purchased, he or she are still responsible for paying his portion of the cost.  Similarly, he or she may also still be liable for any and all camping fees associated with the outing if payments to the activity have already been disbursed.
  3. Two weeks prior to a campout:
    1. Each Venture Scout must inform the Crew President whether or not he / she will attend.  The President will provide the Crew Advisor and Committee Outdoor Coordinator with a printed camp schedule, list of Venture Scouts attending, and copies of the Crew's menu.
    2. For joint Crew-Troop campouts, the Crew President will also provide the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) a list of Venture Scouts attending.  In turn, the Senior Patrol Leader will provide the Crew President and Crew Advisor with a printed camp schedule.
    3. The camp schedule should contain the following information:
      1. Time and Crew responsibilities (if any) for reveille.
      2. Time and Crew responsibilities (if any) for flag raising ceremony.
      3. Time for non-denominational religious observances (in most instances, only on Sunday).
      4. Meal times.
      5. Schedule of activities for the day and evening.  Alternate or backup schedule in case of inclement weather.
      6. Time and Crew responsibilities (if any) for flag lowering ceremony.
      7. Time and Crew responsibilities (if any) for taps.
  4. Additional items:
    1. Venture Scout uniform will be worn to and from campouts, at flag ceremonies, and at any other events specified by the Crew President.
    2. Meals will be prepared and eaten by Crew unless the Patrol Leaders Council and / or Crew President specifies otherwise.
    3. Venture Scouts may use Troop owned equipment to the extent Troop activities permit.
    4. For protection of Troop tents, shoes and cots will NOT be taken or used inside the tent.  Additionally, patrol boxes, coolers, food, and backpacks will be left outside under protective cover.
    5. During campouts, the camp schedule and menus will be posted, usually on the patrol boxes.  The Crew will not use a duty roster.  Instead all Crew members will participate in Crew duties.


A Venture Scout who misbehaves (fighting, use of profanity, etc.) will be counseled by his Crew President.  If the behavior continues, the Crew Advisor or other adult will counsel the Crew member.  If the Crew member's behavior does not change, the parents will be contacted by the Crew Advisor and asked to pick up their son or daughter and take him/her home.  The decision to send a Crew member home will be made by the Crew in consultation with the Crew Advisor.  Ultimately though, final decision rests with the Crew Advisor.  Additionally, the Crew member will not be allowed to attend any other Crew or Troop events until the Crew member and Crew member's parents, Committee Chair (if deemed appropriate), Crew Advisor, and Crew President have arrived at a mutually agreeable solution.

  1. Stealing will not be tolerated.  A Scout found in the unauthorized possession of personal items belonging to another Scout will be sent home and not be allowed to attend any other Troop events until the Scout and Scout's parents, Scoutmaster, Patrol Advisor, Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leader have arrived at a mutually agreeable solution.
  2. Fighting will not be tolerated.  A Venture Scout found in the unauthorized possession of personal items belonging to another Venture Scout will be sent home and not be allowed to attend any other Troop events until the Venture Scout and his / her parents, Crew Advisor, and Crew President have arrived at a mutually agreeable solution.
  3. Firearms, explosives (including fireworks), illegal drugs, and / or alcohol.  These items will not be tolerated at any time.  In the case of possession of illegal drugs, the local authorities will be notified first and without prior consent of the parent(s) and/or guardians(s).


  1. Job descriptions for all leadership positions and positions of responsibility within the Crew are detailed in the Venture Crew Handbook.
  2. The Crew President and staff are elected during the same period as Troop elections (usually in November).  Elections will be conducted by closed ballot in accordance with established parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules of Order.  The Crew President is elected by a simple majority vote of those present during the meeting.  In the case of a tie vote, the Crew will revote.  In the event of a second tie, the Crew Advisor and/or Associate Crew Advisor will cast the deciding vote.  The results are then final.  The Crew President selects the Vice President.  All other positions (Secretary, Treasurer, etc.) are determined by majority vote of the members present during the meeting.  Venture Scouts working towards the ranks of Star, Life, or Eagle in Boy Scouts that are not in positions of responsibility within the Troop may be given priority consideration for holding a leadership position.  Officers should actively participate in the majority of Crew activities during their tenure as failing to do so can negatively impact the Crew.  Officers serve a twelve month term of office.
  3. Crew members desiring to run for an elected position will notify the Crew Advisor no later than two weeks prior to elections.  Requirements candidates seeking the office of Crew President:
    1. Prior leadership experience, Crew or Troop (highly desirable, but not required).
    2. Recommendation from Crew Advisor or Scoutmaster.
    3. For Boy Scouts, have actively participated in 75% or more of Troop activities during the last six months (and must maintain that level of participation in the Crew during tenure as a Venture Scout).  Participation is based on attendance records supplied by Troop Scribe and subsequently the Crew Secretary.
  4. Given just cause, the Crew, in consultation with the Crew Advisor, may vote an officer out of his / her position of responsibility.  Crew members will be given two weeks prior notice of pending vote.  The vote will be conducted by closed ballot and in accordance with established parliamentary procedure and Robert's Rules of Order.  A two-thirds majority of those present during the meeting is required to remove an officer.
  5. The briefing for newly elected and appointed positions will take place within two weeks after the elections.  This briefing will be conducted by the Crew Advisor and/or Associate Crew Advisor.  The Crew, in consultation with the Crew Advisor, will conduct the Venture Leadership Skills Course (VLSC) during the same period.



In case of the dissolution of Boy Scout Troop 4673 or Venture Crew 4673, all funds remaining in the Troop or Crew treasury will be used to satisfy any outstanding debts, liabilities, or financial obligations.  Any remaining assets and all real property will be turned over to the Charter Partner for disposal.